FOODiQ Case Study I Rethink Pink I Global


World-first study on pink salt using iQ³ to deliver game-changing global impact

iDENTIFY the issue

People think pink salt is healthier, prettier, tastier, and non-toxic when compared to white salt, yet no science on it exists. 

iNVESTIGATE the opportunity

Our team saw the opportunity to showcase our expertise by conducting a self-funded world-first paper and analysis on the mineral composition of pink salts in Australia. 

iMPLEMENT solutions

We delivered an end-to-end solution that included the publication of our world-first research debunking the myth that pink salt is healthier than white table salt. Alongside our publication, we delivered a Rethink Pink education, communication, and PR campaign engaging government, healthcare professionals, and consumers.

The iMPACT we created

Our world-first research debunked the myth that pink salt is healthier than white table salt with local and global reach and impact, confirming the need for more engaging and evidence-based education and communication to inspire real change.

Blogs and podcasts

“Pink salts may be prettier, but a world-first Australian study has found that, despite being touted as healthier, they in fact have low levels of essential nutrients as well as a range of harmful heavy metals.”

FOODiQ I Quotation Mark Pink salts

-7 News Media

FOODiQ I iQ³ process I GIF

We use our iQ³ process to identify a food nutrition issue or problem, investigate opportunities, and implement the optimal solution with scale and impact for companies, organisations, healthcare professionals, and consumers.

Have a project that could benefit from our iQ³ process? 

FOODiQ GIF Changemakers in Global Health Nutrition Research

Contact FOODiQ Global today.

Join us on this journey as we unlock the potential of food and nutrition science to transform lives and contribute to a healthier world for all.